Today I have recieved American McGee's Alice Madness Returns art book. The book was published by Dark Horse and has came out before the game. The game itself is a sequel to the one released nearly 11 years ago. I've enjoyed the first game very much but the most interesting part of it was the art style. I was very happy when they announced the second one some time ago. I felt even better when they said they will release an art book also. Then I knew I had to get it.
Few words about the book. It's a proper Game Art book. Filled with alot of concepts but somethimes you can find some 3D work (just a little) and few UDK blockout screenshots. But the main focus was put on concepts. From brilliant stylized character design to wicked and creepy environments. There's also alot of fancy weapon designs and crazy creature concepts which I think people that did them had to be "on" something couse a healthy mind wouldn't produce that kind of art ^^ Nah seriously ... It's good stuff !
I love the art in this book and I can't wait till the game release on 17th of June

I'm in love <3